Traffic Control

All TCPs are BCCSA certified

Rates until May 31/22

Truck and signage$150/day
Traffic Control Person (TCP)$38/hour (up to 8 hours)
TCP$57.00/hour (8-12 hours
and weekends up to 8 hours)
TCP$76 (12 hours+, stat holidays
and after hours callouts
minimum four hour charge – call for a quote if you have repeat business or longer term jobs.

Rates after June 1/22

Truck and signage$160/day
Traffic Control Person (TCP)$40/hour (up to 8 hours)
TCP$60.00/hour (8-12 hours
and weekends up to 8 hours)
TCP$80 (12 hours+, stat holidays
and after hours callouts
minimum four hour charge – call for a quote if you have repeat business or longer term jobs.